Monday, July 22, 2013

Food, Drink and Humming Bird

Day 17, July 17, Milford to Cedar City, 56 miles, 2700 feet ascent

The greatest surprise to me so far, is how little appetite I have. I am probably consuming 3-5k calories but land up eating less than when I am at home. Food quality and choice have definitely something to do with it, but still. I know I have lost weight. As part of adding calories I thought of consuming more drinks with calories. So I guzzled 1.5 liter Sunny D before I left. I did not feel good that day, so much for drinks that contain no juice. When I arrived I drank 1.5 liter of soy milk. That worked better.
Anyway the ride was boring and I arrived very tired and hot. Time for a Motel. Had a horrible dinner and went to bed.
Let me add my second biggest surprise of the trip so far. I did not know how much I would dislike drinking water that is from lukewarm to so hot that every time I take a sip, I instinctively look for a teabag. 

Day 18, July 18, Cedar City to Lake Panguitch,  53 miles, 7000 feet ascent

I spent until noon getting supplies, this being the last town for about 450 miles of any significant size.
Proofed to be hard to find things. I bought a rain jacket (finally), a new book (needed), had my bicycle adjusted and got some food.
A hard climb up to 10500 feet. I found Cedar Point National Park on top, which was stunningly beautiful.
I could not stop looking and by I was ready to go down it was almost dark and getting cold fast. I put on all clothing I have with me and yes, my new rain jacket over all of it. I do have a head light and tail light.
Coming down the mountain 2000 feet was scary in the dark because the roads in Utah have horribly rough surfaces. I also remembered the story of someone I met a year ago who has twice in his life hit a deer, both time with broken bones (his). I kept looking left and right all the time and saw over a dozen deer. Their eyes light up white in the dark. At the bottom of the run, me going about 25 mph, with my hands on the brakes the whole time, 2 deer jumped out in front of me. I missed the second by maybe 5 feet. Being ready payed off.
Checked into a campground for the first time on this trip. It was pitch black, no moon, no street lights, hard to find anything.

Day 19, July 19, Lake Panguitch  to Bryce Canyon City 36 miles, 2700 feet ascent

The ride was uneventful and I stopped when I found a good campground for my day off.

Day 20, July 20

Day of rest.
You though, there would be nothing to report. Not so fast! In fact, I had the most amazing nature experience of my life.
I was sitting on my chair, reading a book. A humming bird came up to me. Flew directly towards my face, stopped 2 inches from me and then pecked my left cheek. 2 Million years of evolution kicked in, and I closed my eyes, not knowing what the little fellow would do next. What he did next was to fly above me and start piking my hair, like I was a flower. Maybe 4-5 times, and flew away.
You have do understand, that the hummingbird is my favorite animal. I will never forget those two minutes.

Day 21, July 21, Bryce Canyon City to the Escalante River and SR12, 75 miles, 3700 feet ascent

Beautiful ride, in incredible scenery. I arrived at the river at 7:00 PM, looking for a place to camp.
Turns out, the river is in a low, very narrow valley with vertical rock wall on the sides. All private property along the river. As I come to a bridge in my quest to find a camping spot, there stands a woman, who points some Indian ruins out to me. She told me, she was one of the property owners and that there is no where to camp. A few minutes later she offered her back yard to me. Five minutes after that, she invites me into her beautiful home, even though she had never done such thing before in her life. I will not post more about her property on a public blog, other that it is a few miles from the river and that it was beyond stunning.
Margy, you are a beautiful and graceful woman.  Your generosity will stay with me. Thank you.

Day 22, July 22, Escalante River to Torrey, 52 miles, 6500 feet ascent

Very steep at times. Climbed 1000 feet in a little over 2 miles to start. Saw some of the most stunning views of my life. Quite tired when I arrived. Am staying in Motel, so I can write this Blog. My tablet, which stopped charging a few weeks ago and is now with Astrid, should be fixed soon, making this easier.
Life is good. 

Total distance so far: 964
Total ascent so far: 62,200


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